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Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire

Your Details:

Please insert your name.
Please insert your Date of Birth.
Please insert your email address.
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Emergency Contact Details:

Please enter the name of your emergency contact.
Please enter the phone number of your emergency contact.
Please enter your relation to your emergency contact.

Regular physical activity is fun and healthy, and increasingly more people are starting to become more active every day. Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some people should check with your doctor before you start.

If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by answering the nine questions in the box below. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start. If you are over 69 years of age, and you are not used to being very active, check with your doctor.

Please tick all that apply.

If you have answered YES to one or more questions

Talk to your doctor by phone or in person before you start becoming more physically active and before you have a fitness assessment.

Tell your doctor about the questionnaire and which question (s) you answered yes to. You may be able to do any activity you want – as long as you begin slowly and build up gradually, or you may need to restrict your activities to those which are safe for you. Talk with your doctor about the kind of activity that you wish to participate in and follow his/hers advice.

If you have answered NO to all questions

You can be reasonably sure that you can start to become more physically active and take part in a suitable exercise programme. Remember begin slowly and build up gradually.

Please note if your health changes so subsequently you answer yes to any of the above questions inform your fitness or health professional immediately. Ask whether you should change your physical activity or exercise plan. Delay becoming more active if you feel unwell because of temporary illness such as cold or flu – Wait until you are better.

You must agreed.
You must agreed.

I give ‘Brawny’s Bootcamp’ permission to take photographs/videos of myself.

I grant ‘Brawny’s Bootcamp’ full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptions of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the groups aims.

This might include (but not limited to), the right to use them in their printed an online publicity, social media, press and fundraising applications.

Please correct the errors on the form.

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